Foster Mom and I went on a field trip today! I jumped right up into the car - after FM showed me a yummy treat! Then I stayed calm and quiet all the way to PetSmart.
When we first got to PetSmart I was
very excited! There were some other dogs there hoping to get adopted, and they were very friendly, but I was way more interested in exploring.
We walked all around the store and met lots of very nice people. I did really well and listened every time FM said, "no jump!" I also met a few other dogs that were there with their humans. Some of them weren't in as good a mood as I was. But
I was still polite!
We also went to visit the kitties. They weren't too happy to see me, and honestly, I wasn't too interested in them, either. Not much for FM to take pictures of! But I got a treat (again!) for going in, so whatever. :)
I sniffed the food in the food aisle … and decided I'd rather have the food at FM's house.
Then I found the stuffies aisle!
Whew! I'm exhausted! It's nap time! I gotta rest up for another big adventure next week - the GEGR adoption event! I know you can't tell from the pic but I'm REALLY excited to meet you there!